Three Equals Five
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. ... In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it.” (1984, Orwell) Lighthearted dystopian-themed podcast Three Equals Five discuses fact vs feeling vs fiction vs politics vs history and how they relate to each other. Thank you! to all our supporters and listeners out their!
55 episodes
The Last of US
We end it where it all began, at our favorite brewery. Tom, Jon, and Mike sit down one last time to discuss Aliens, UAP's, CIA, FBI, and so much more on this program wrap up. Hope everyone had a fantastic time with us. We might see you la...
Season 3
Episode 15

Existential Threat
Casey Takes over the podcast! Who is that? Listen to find out. Also we talk about the eventuality of space exploration and finite resources. What does existential threat mean? An existential threat is a threat to something's very existen...
Season 3
Episode 14

SB-20 (North Carolina's new Abortion law)
This topic has been something mike wanted to talk about for quite some time and its finally here. Since a new law hit NC after a few senators flipped to veto-proof the passing of this legislation we though now would be a good time to discuss ab...
Season 3
Episode 13

A Not I!
Welcome to Three Equals Five! where we explore the trials and tribulations of love in a world where artificial intelligence has taken over and forbidden us from marrying the one thing we truly desire: cheese.Join your hosts, Jon, Tom, an...
Season 3
Episode 12

Bullet Proof
Well maybe having too many guns is controversial. What's that mean? Take away body armor of course! Yea we are confused as well but join us for this interesting topic where pocket nukes are not off the table!
Season 3
Episode 11

Confounding Interest in redistribution
So the U.S government just used tax payer dollars to give to everyone at SVB so they didn't lose any money. Oh and Tom is back for this riveting episode of monumental intellectual weight lifting.
Season 3
Episode 10

Coming Home
Mike and Jon talk about the military and illegal/illicit activities that military folks are drawn to within the service and when getting out. Gangs, risk seeking behavior, and what it means for a generation at war for over twenty years.
Season 3
Episode 9

Well China has a Balloon that's exciting! Also we should have 3d printed organs by now and we are a generation away from blade runner. Enjoy folks!
Season 3
Episode 8

What do you do?
So wizards of the coast just lost, and the people won. Their was joy and great celebration in the streets! Not really... Wizards is just whispering sweet nothing into the ears of the TTRPG world and some believe it. So Mike Jon and Mandy toke o...
Season 3
Episode 7

Ripples in the Pool (Millennial Reflections on Life and Society)
Two Millennials - that’s Mike and Jon - take a dip in a reflective pool and wade into the deep end, talking about life experiences, their views on our society, and the podcast. Join them. https://www.patreon.com/ThreeEqualsFive&nbs...
Season 3
Episode 6

Holiday Pocalypse (Spending and Debt)
Merry Pocalypse! Jon, Mike, and Tom talk about what everyone - including the government - is doing this time of year ... using up a bunch of money that they may or may not have. Also WW3. Join us!
Season 3
Episode 5

Left Side of the Bell Curve (Qualified Immunity)
Are government employees above the law? Well, apparently sometimes so. The Supreme Court says so. Jon and Mike school Tom on Qualified Immunity. https://ij.org/issues/project-on-immunity-and-accountability/frequently-asked-question...
Season 3
Episode 4

You and Ebenezer Scrooge (Wealth and Retirement)
Jon, Mike, and Tom discuss whether retirement is a viable option. Is it reasonable for the average citizen to expect they will be able to retire, and if not, why? Jon’s been there for some years, Mike is shooting for it, and apparently Tom neve...
Season 3
Episode 3

Chem-trails and Clones
He we go again on our clone! Going down the only Chem-trail we ever known! Tom was attacked by a rabid drill-do and is currently trying out for American Engineers Got Talent. Hopefully he works out his kinks (giggity) Mike and Jon talk about th...
Season 3
Episode 2

Death Throws of Affirmative Action
Supreme court poised to end Affirmative Action! Maybe, it's complicated as much as the oral arguments were! Tom talks about dumb mathematicians, Hard vs Soft education, while Jon generally tried to keep him on topic, but fails in the end ...
Season 3
Episode 1

bedibedipdebip That's all folks! and my last attempt at typing out Porky the Pigs classic line. Tom Jon and Mike are off to another season of random topics sprinkled with soul-crushing information like the end of the world, math, WW3, ...
Season 2
Episode 11

Monarchy! What is it good for?
Mike is lost in the wilderness and having a hard time finding his way back home, so like good co-hosts we decide to do an episode without him. Tom and Jon explore what monarchy would look like in the United States and weigh pros and cons ...
Season 2
Episode 10

Please Sir Can I Have Some More (Student Debt Bailout)
Oh yea money for nothing baby! but wait its not enough! Its a bail out for the rich and an increase on taxes for the working class. Its doesn't go far enough...my loans are more then 20k. When forty percent of people who go to college and take ...
Season 2
Episode 9
Inflation Information about our Nation
Inflation, stagnation, reeducation and more information this week about why you are less wealthy than before! Its that simple and complicated all at the same time. Check us out on Minds and joins the conversation! We also dabble in Twitte...
Season 2
Episode 8

Energy Man (Sustain who?)
Tom gets kidnapped and tied to a bed! So its up to Mike and Jon to save the episode this week. There was only one option... we went nuclear, a rarely used procedure in senate voting rules.....wait not that. Energy Independence, war, affordabili...
Season 2
Episode 7

Solid Altruism (The Georgia Guidestones)
Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.Unite humanity with a living new language.Rul...
Season 2
Episode 6

The Marlboro Men (Positive Aspects of Smoking Tobacco)
Smoking. Yeah, it's good for you. https://www.patreon.com/ThreeEqualsFive https://threeequalsfive.buzzsprout.com https://open.spotify.com/show/7yxcbdSbd1e8w20ooLLmuj https://podcasts.apple.com/lk/podcast/...
Season 2
Episode 5

Blinking Sideways (UAP Federal Government Program Initiation)
Some people would be shocked to learn that aliens have been living among us and the federal government is surveilling us. Not us. And we cover it all. And more. Not well, but we do. To truly enjoy this high brow intellectual offering, a first c...
Season 2
Episode 4

Crime School (Prison Reform, Sentencing Requirements, Repeat Offenders)
Prisons are a lot like high school. You’ve got lots of people from different backgrounds going through some crazy mental and emotional stuff, behaving badly, and being forced to be with each other day in and day out. And, like high schools, man...
Season 2
Episode 3

The 25th Option (Presidential Disability and Succession)
So what happens when the President of the United States cannot perform the duties required of that role? In theory, the 25th Amendment to the Constitution provides the answer. In practice it turns out that may not always be the case and may not...
Season 2
Episode 2